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Your EAS Myoplex formula with fewer calories!
Formulated to include minerals, protein, vitamins and other essential nutrients, Myoplex Lite supports your body’s muscle maintenance with fewer calories to optimise weight loss and supporting metabolic rate.
Myoplex Lite from EAS Sports Nutrition supports a healthy metabolism and improves body composition and provides 20 grams of quality protein and tastes amazing!
EAS Sports Myoplex Lite is a great source of the antioxidant vitamins E & C and helps to support daily nutrition, immune support and more.
Scientific studies have shown that the ingredients included in the Myoplex Lite formula helps to combat the negative effects of a slowing metabolic rate from a low-calories diet and helps to make fat loss more efficient.
By combining a special blend of carbohydrate, Myoplex Lite can help to stabilise blood-sugar levels. Utilise Myoplex Lite from EAS to support weight loss and minimal muscle loss and is suitable for both males and females.